Posted tagged ‘osgi’

Links for 2009-08-21

21. August 2009

With Blende 8 Galileo Deisgn presents a video podcast about fotographing. New episodes will be available all 14 days.

VMWare provides several free information events about vSphere 4 in Germany, Austria an Switzerland from 26.August till 29.October.

Galileo Computing created a video training about VMWare vSphere4 – 83 lessons and 10 hours.

I also found a blog about a question someone was interested in too: Why is that action not available?

According to that roadmap MS Windows 8 is intended for 2012 with cluster support, one-way-replication, inproved file handling …

Denoise My Image is a free tool for improving the picture quality.

My favorit: Launchy is a free small app for starting programs, documents, urls … with just a jew keystroke.

Oracle provides free ebooks about SOA (after a registration). Content is

  • Grid Enabled Architecture: Move to Modern Service Oriented, Grid Enabled Architecture
  • Business Process Management: Achieve Business Flexibility through Oracle BPM
  • Business Activity Monitoring: Stay Agile Responding to Changes in Real-time
  • Data Integration: Integrate Data at High Performance and with High Productivity
  • Application Integration Architecture: Accelerate Application Integrations
  • History: Service-Oriented Architecture Milestones
  • Case Studies: Comprehensive, Preintegrated, Hot-Pluggable Middleware

On 24./25.November there is the ix-Day – this time about Cobol. CfP ends on 28.September.

A nice toy (maybe a tool also). Draganfly is a quadcopter which transports and controlls a photocamera or videocamera. So you can take your own pictures from the air.

The VCC team at is pleased to announce our first bleeding edge pre-alpha release of the Virtual Computer Control API (version 0.0.3) and associated implementations (version 0.0.3) and plugins (version 0.0.1). The Virtual Computer Control API is designed to be a virtualization platform agnostic API for controlling (Ant, Maven, Hudson) virtual computers (VMWare ESX, VMWare Workstation, Xen, KVM, QUEMU, libvirt, VirtualBox, AmazonEC2, xVM): list, start, suspend, stop and pause a virtual computer, take a snapshot or revert to a snapshot, clone a virtual computer, query their network settings.

There is a free ebook how to install Windows 7.

RMBench Relational Modeller is designed to be a one-stop Eclipse-integrated solution for grapically modelling relational databases. But sadly there arent any screenshots online. So you have to compile and install it for yourself.

JSR-294 Jigsaw & OSGi – maybe somewhere in the middle? Peter Kriens, BJ Hargrave and Richard Hall suggested a new approach for the moludarization in Java – not as complex as OSGi and Jigsaw, but compliant to the OSGi specs.

Microsoft Research publishes Code Contracts. Speaking with Java terms (sorry I dont write .NET code) the basic concept is a validator class which takes several closures. Then you could validate your object/parameters:

static private int TraditionalValidation(int Input1, string Input2, List Input3)
Contract.Requires(0 <= Input1 && Input1 <= 100); Contract.Requires(Input2.Length > 5);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() >= 0);


When I read that two things poped up in my mind: the Notification Pattern and the validator for Ant tasks.

PHPUnit 3.4 is a stop before release.

Cloudera announces Hadoop World: NYC 2009.

Links for 2008-10-14

17. Oktober 2008

According to this (German) article Google Maps places text ads in a line under the map. That article critizises that you dont know the exact location in a map – you have to enter the (already displayed) adress in GoogleMaps again. They want to have another pin on the map. I dont want to have „commercial pins“ on the map. But a possibility to fade in these pins if I want. Maybe via click on that link.

Aleksey Aristov found out that you can deploy OSGi applications to Amazon EC2. He shows some screenshots and provides links to webcasts.